What we can’t help with

1. Complaints about other bodies:

The  Commissioner can only consider complaints about the FCA, PRA, Bank of England, and FSA. She cannot consider complaints about the actions of regulated firms, the Financial Ombudsman Service, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, or the Money Advice Service.

If your complaint is about a firm, you should complain to that firm.

If you have already complained to the firm, you should complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

If your complaint is about the Financial Ombudsman Service, your complaint should be directed to the Independent Assessor.


2. The Commissioner cannot consider complaints about:

  • the regulators’ relationships with their employees;
  • contractual or commercial disputes involving the regulators which are not connected with the exercise of their functions;
  • the performance of the regulators’ legislative functions (making rules, issuing codes, issuing statements, giving directions, issuing general guidance);
  • about the actions, or inactions, of the Bank of England that do not relate to its functions in relation to recognised clearing houses, central securities depositaries and inter-bank payment systems

3. Other reasons why the Commissioner and regulators may not investigate a complaint

  • Complaints which they reasonably consider amount to no more than dissatisfaction with the regulators’ general policies or with the exercise of, or failure to exercise, a discretion where no unreasonable, unprofessional or other misconduct is alleged.
  • Complaints that are more appropriately dealt with in another way (for example, through the courts)